Wednesday 3 June 2009

The fire alarm woke me up this morning, and along with about sixty bleary-eyed students, I stood outside my building complaining bitterly about being woken up so early. What kind of person gets up at 10am? Went back to bed for a few minutes before the alarm went off again. Process was repeated, this time with me wearing shoes. Then again.

Anyway, I finished my exams yesterday, so have completed my second year at Lancaster University of Witchcraft and Wizardry! One year left, a year of hastily making the most of it, trying to eat something other than peanut butter tortillas, and trying to get my head around my degree. A philosophy degree is basically like a degree in Sudoku... it passes the time and makes you feel clever, but everyone else thinks you're a dick and ultimately it leaves you feeling hollow and empty.

The fupping fire alarm's going off again. brb.

Doing>>> Finished my last 3 hour exam yesterday, bought Slumdog Millionaire, sat in the sun by the river for far too long and melted slightly.

Listening>>> The Dongle of Donald Trefusis, S-Fry's latest foray into the digital world.

Watching>>> Generation Kill, a really good HBO mini-series about the Iraq war, based on the book by Evan Wright.

Reading>>> Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Honestly, I have like 5 pages left.

Annoyed by>>> The muthaflippin fire alarm, which we have taken to ignoring, and just hoping that it stops before we all burn to death.


Anonymous Martyn said...

Generation Kill is class!!

7 June 2009 at 16:13


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