Raf-ia Donkey

I don't mean to stick the boot in, after all, the poor guy finished second in Wimbledon this year....but I thought it needed to be said.
He's the sort of tennis player who psychs himself up during a match by clenching his fist, and whispering words of encouragement to himself (in Spanish, I presume). It's this kind of silliness which puts me right off him.
He reminds me of a bully in primary school, who'd be frighteningly well developed, and who would thrash you in straight sets on the tennis court, while you sat sobbing in the corner; wishing you could go home to play on your gameboy.
Fair enough, you don't get where he's got today by not being competitive, but there's being competitive, and being a slightly scary Spaniard with tendencies to over react, and look like a tit.
He reminds me a lot of Christiano Ronaldo, with his Iberian good looks, and girlish fop of hair...but I'll leave Ronaldo for another vindictive post...