Easter Message

I may want to be wholesome and environmentally sound, but because I'm intrinsically a bastard, I leave my phone charger plugged in and am rude to telemarketers. That's just how we roll.
Somehow, I blame Margaret Thatcher. She's involved somehow, with her promotion of only investing if you're guaranteed a return. Speculate to accumulate! In my view, civilisation's worst crime: only do things if it means you gain from it. Now, selfless deeds are limited to Christmas, or a "good deed of the day". That's the reason why I hate birthdays so much - for one day a year, everyone makes an effort to be nice to you - before going back to being the sarcastic, pompous drones who ignore you most of them time anyway.
Pisses me right off.
EDIT: Oh, and I've just realised I forgot to mention anything Eastery for my Easter message... I've decided that the reason everyone loved Jesus so much (as well as being the son of God and whatnot) is because he said all the stuff that people know is right... but up until then, hadn't even considered. He told everyone to be nice to each other, and everyone thought that was awesome. Doesn't mean anyone does it, the man made good sense. Happy Easter!